The Team

Instructor team

Behind Fly & Flow is a team of hard-working, skilled and most importantly passionate people. Read more about them here.


Teacher & Co-founder

Ana is the longest-standing pole dance instructor in Maastricht, with 7+ years of teaching experience. Her journey started in spring of 2016: she was looking for a sport that would improve her self confidence, wasn’t boring and would be “cool” like gymnastics. She immediately fell in love with pole dance and hasn’t stopped since. 

Ana might make (nearly) everything look easy now, but she started with 0 experience (not even dance or gymnastics!) and her journey has been marked with chaos (quitting teachers, closing studios and the pandemic). She has taught herself most of what she knows which has helped her develop a keen understanding of how pole poses, tricks and combinations work. While trial and error have been her best teachers, she would like to spare that (sometimes painful) road for others. She’s looking to share her knowledge and experience with fellow pole lovers. 

Ana teaches Intermediate 2, Advanced and Flexibility. 


   – PSO Netherlands Level 4 (2023): Gold

   – IPSF Dutch Championships Open Artistic Pole (2023): Bronze

Languages: English, Dutch, French, Spanish


Teacher & Co-founder

After moving from Belgium, Melissa felt she needed to pick up a new hobby to help expand her social circle. She stumbled upon an online advertisement for pole dance and decided to give it a go in August 2020. After a few classes, she got hooked. Unfortunately, there was a pandemic terrorizing the world, which prevented her from attending classes for a while. However, that did not stop her.

She bought herself a home pole in 2021, and started training more consistently after meeting Ana in Maastricht. Ana’s strength, flexibility and grace were an inspiration for Melissa. Later that year, Melissa started teaching. Pole gradually became more than a hobby. It became a passion and a place of happiness, which she is more than happy to share with her students.

Melissa teaches Intermediate 1 and 2, Pole Flow and Flexibility. 


   – Pole Passion Kuijk Professional Division (2022): Silver

   – IPSF Dutch Championships Open Artistic Pole (2023): Bronze

   – IPSF Dutch Championships Open Artistic Pole (2024): Silver

   – IPSF Dutch Championships Open Artistic Hoop (2024): Gold

Languages: English, Dutch, French



Christel started on her pole dancing journey in early 2022 under the guidance of instructors Ana and Melissa. Despite initially feeling insecure due to her lack of gymnastics or dance background and being in her late twenties, she quickly fell in love with the sport. Pole dancing has empowered her to express herself through movement, embracing both her femininity and strength. 

Christel firmly believes that pole dancing is for everyone, regardless of age, gender, or background, and she hopes to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where people can enjoy the sport together safely.

Christel teaches Beginners 2, Intermediate 1 and Flexibility.

Languages: English, Dutch



Cay started pole dancing in fall 2021 in Berlin after attending a queer pole workshop the summer before. They quickly fell in love with it, but the limitations of their own health taught them how important proper technique and strength are. So they started quickly trying to learn as much as possible, not only on the pole but also about the theory behind it. 

When they are not currently nerding out about pole dancing, they study Data Science at Maastricht University and work as a Software Developer.

Cay teaches Beginners 1, 2 and Flexibility.

Languages: English, German



Caroline began her pole journey at Polecats Manila (The Philipines) in 2015 and it quickly became a way for her to foster a deeper connection with her body. It became a way for her to find and embrace both strength and grace in every movement.

As she grew and progressed, she discovered new outlets, including Pole Heels and Chair Dance. 

When she’s not at the studio, Caroline is a university lecturer and PhD student. Her skills as a teacher transfer perfectly to the studio setting: the eye for detail, open mindedness and dedication she shows in her day-to-day job ensure she will be able to guide any student through the first steps of their pole journey. 

Caroline looks forward to flow, grow and have fun together!

Caroline teachers Beginners 1, 2 and Flexibility.

Languages: English






Janine fell in love with both acrobatics and dance at a young age: ice skating and gymnastics on one hand, and ballet, Latin dance and jazz dance on the other hand. When she moved to Nijmegen, she discovered pole dance and everything clicked into place: it was the perfect blend of dance and acrobatics while also offering a new world of possibilities. 

Despite several challenges – the pandemic forcing her to train at home, moving to a Canadian without a studio, a concussion (not related to pole dance!) – her passion for pole dance, her dedication to learn and her skill have only continued to grow. She is more excited than ever to share her love with her students. 

Janine teaches Intermediate 1 and Flexibility.


– Pole Passion Kuijk Semi Professional Division (2019): Bronze

– ADC Competition Intermediate 2 (2019): Bronze

Languages: English, German, French, Russian, Luxembourgish (en een beetje Nederlands)

Good to know: all instructors are available for private classes. Contact us for their pricing and availability.